Check out our website at to see our collection of UPW-branded clothes and accessories.
We have a variety of comfy dry-fit polos, cool designer t-shirts, baseball caps, and outdoor gear to choose from. There’s something for everyone! Pineapple Printz, a small family-owned business that specializes in embroidery and printing, handles all orders and deliveries. The products are printed and shipped from Oahu, and most orders qualify for free shipping.
But that’s not all – when you buy from, you’re also supporting the James “Jimmy” Toledo Scholarship Fund, which helps United Public Workers member youth achieve their educational goals. The UPW Foundation administers the fund, and every purchase made on goes toward supporting this cause.
So don’t wait any longer! Show your UPW pride by checking out our collection of UPW-branded products today. By doing so, you’ll be making a difference in the lives of young people and helping to create tomorrow’s leaders. Visit now!