Division Officer Elections

2024 UPW Division Officer Elections

Division Officer Nominations and Elections

2024 Division Officer Nominees

Below is the list of nominees for the upcoming 2024 State Officer Elections

Oahu Division


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

The United Public Workers Division Officer election holds significant importance for all union members, as it allows us to nominate and elect leaders who will represent the Division’s best interests and advocate on their behalf. As members, we hold the power to shape the direction of our union by actively participating in the nomination and election process. The leaders we elect play a crucial role in determining the trajectory of our union, influencing policies, and representing us in various capacities. Therefore, it is essential for all members to recognize the value of their involvement in this process and to understand the impact of their choices on the future of our union.

Notice of Nominations and Election for UPW Division Officers was posted in the September 2024 Malama Pono issue and mailed to your home address in September 2024. If you have not received your notice, please visit www.upwhawaii.org and update your home mailing address. A copy of the notice is also available here.

Positions to be Elected:

Members will have the right to vote for the three Division Officer positions in their respective divisions – Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer as well as Delegates to the State Executive Board.

Below is a list of positions included in this election:

Oahu Division:

  • Division Vice-President, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Secretary, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Treasurer, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Delegate to the State Executive Board, ten (10) to be elected

Maui Division:

  • Division Vice-President, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Secretary, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Treasurer, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Delegate to the State Executive Board, one (1) to be elected from the islands of Molokai or Lanai

Hawaii Division:

  • Division Vice-President, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Secretary, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Treasurer, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Delegate to the State Executive Board, three (3) to be elected

Kauai Division:

  • Division Vice-President, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Secretary, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Treasurer, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Delegate to the State Executive Board, one (1) to be elected

Private Sector Division:

  • Division Vice-President, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Secretary, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Treasurer, one (1) to be elected
  • Division Delegate to the State Executive Board, one (1) to be elected

Visit the State Officer Notice of Nominations and Election page by clicking the button above for instructions on how to submit your nomination. Or use this link: www.upwhawaii.org/division-officers-notice-of-nominations-and-election/

Division Officer Nominations

November 1, 2024 – November 8, 2024

Nominations for Division Officers and Delegates will be accepted by email and at the nomination meetings. The procedures for nominating candidates for Division Officers and Delegates are as follows:

  • All nominations must be made by a member of UPW in good standing.
  • All eligible UPW members may participate in the nomination of Division Officers and Delegates within the UPW division they are a member of.
  • To be eligible for a Division Officer or Delegate position the nominee must be a member of the UPW division being nominated for and in good standing at the time of nomination . The names of nominated members will be posted on the UPW website.
  • UPW members making nominations and candidates being nominated shall be from the same division.
  • Nominations are to be made to the members’ division election committee as follows:
  • Oahu Division members at: OahuDivisionElections@upwhawaii.org
  • Maui Division members at: MauiDivisionElections@upwhawaii.org
  • Hawaii Division members at: HawaiiDivisionElections@upwhawaii.org
  • Kauai Division members at: KauaiDivisionElections@upwhawaii.org
  • Private Sector Division at: PrivateSectorDivisionElections@upwhawaii.org
  • Challenges to the eligibility of any nominee must be submitted to the members division election committee at the above-cited email address no later than November 15, 2024.
  • All eligible nominees shall be afforded the opportunity to decline their nomination before November 13, 2024, when ballots are prepared, by submitting an email to the division election committee at the above-cited email address.
  • No member may be a nominee for more than one office in this election and therefore, must decline all but one nomination if nominated for more than one office. The name of any nominee who declines shall not appear on the ballot. If a member is nominated for more than one office and does not decline all but one before the ballots are prepared, their name shall appear on the ballot for the
  • highest position for which a nomination was received, and they are eligible to hold. For this purpose, positions are ranked highest to lowest in the order in which they appear in this Notice.

Email Nominations

Email nominations may be submitted to the member’s division election committee at the aforementioned email address no later than November 7, 2024.

Nominations for each candidate should be submitted in a separate email to provide for one (1) email for one (1) candidate and include:

  1. The name, telephone number and email address of the member making the nomination.
  2. The name, and if available the telephone number and email address, of the member being nominated.
  3. The position the member is being nominated as a candidate.
Division Officer Elections

November 30, 2024 – December 14, 2024

To comply with the provisions of the AFSCME International Constitution and federal law, all eligible UPW members in good standing may participate in the election of Division Officers and Delegates. Challenges to the eligibility of any voter must be submitted to the member’s aforementioned division election committee’s email address no later than November 15, 2024.

The secret ballot election for UPW Division Officers and Delegates will be conducted electronically using Merriman River Group Election Services voting system. Eligible voters may cast their ballots either online or by telephone. Prior to the start of the election on November 30, 2024, voting instructions will be mailed to the home address of eligible members.

Update your home address and contact information now at www.upwhawaii.org

Voting will open at 9:00 a.m. HST on November 30, 2024, and will close at 9:00 a.m. HST on December 14, 2024. Cast ballots will be tallied at 10:00 a.m. HST on December 14, 2024.

Protests related to the conduct of the election must be submitted to the member’s aforementioned division election committee no later than 12:00 noon HST on December 24, 2024.