Oahu Division: Nominations and Election
Nominations and election for one (1) Oahu Division Delegate to the State Executive Board will be held on Thursday, September 14, 2023, at United Public Workers, Conference Room.
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Nominations and election for one (1) Oahu Division Delegate to the State Executive Board will be held on Thursday, September 14, 2023, at United Public Workers, Conference Room.
Nominations and election for one (1) Division Secretary and one (1) Division Delegate to the State Executive Board will be held on Saturday, August 26, 2023.
The deadline to submit Resolutions and By-Laws amendments is August 22, 2023.
For Doug, the greatest benefit of being a UPW member is his sense of community and family with other members.
After nearly two months of walking the picket line, our members were sore and exhausted. But they were never alone.
Mahalo to the volunteers who donated their time and energy to make this year’s Labor of Love a success!