Government Affairs Priorities 2023
As the legislative session begins in Hawaii, we wanted to share with you the priorities of our Government Affairs department.
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As the legislative session begins in Hawaii, we wanted to share with you the priorities of our Government Affairs department.
This week’s rally fronting Kaahumanu Avenue demonstrated OUR UNION, OUR FAMILY!
Labor unionization efforts have resurged in the US, and union membership has been shown to improve worker conditions in some industries.
The United Public Workers Union (UPW, AFSME LOCAL 646 AFL-CIO) is spreading a little holiday cheer through their first-ever “Blue-Collar Christmas” event this December in Hilo, Hawaii, and Lihue, Kauai.
The UPW Retiree Chapter Executive Board met at the Oahu Headquarters on Thursday, November 17th.
In what turned out to be a big win for United Public Workers and our endorsed candidates, the 2022 General Election was a decided victory.