United 808: Episode 8

A recap of 2024 and looking ahead to an even stronger 2025. Also the latest developments on THP.

It seems like the year just started and already December is here! As 2024 comes to a close, State Director Kalani Werner and United 808 Podcast Host, Flash, look back at the happenings at UPW throughout the year. It was a big year with a number of significant milestones including UPW’s 80th anniversary and the launch of the Jimmy Toledo Scholarship. We also have the latest developments with Temporary Hazard Pay (THP), a wrap up of the election, and UPW members bringing joy to local foster children at our annual Blue Collar Christmas events.

We wish you and your ohana a safe and blessed holiday season and look forward to an even stronger 2025!

Click HERE to listen to the audio-only version of this episode.

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